Tanjir Ahamed

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Paragraph : Mobilephone

Paragraph on A Mobile Phone

TANJIR AHAMED Question: Write a paragraph about ‘Mobile Phone’. Your paragraph should include the following questions.

  1. What is a mobile phone?
  2. How does it work?
  3. Who are the users of it?
  4. What are the advantages of a mobile phone?
  5. What are the disadvantages of a mobile phone?
  6. What is your opinion about it?

Answer: There are many invention of modern science.Mobile phone is one of them.A mobile phone is a wonderful invention for information technology. It is a cordless phone by which we can communicate and talk to others in the shortest possible time. Before the mobile phone was invented, communication and the messaging system were very hard. But the mobile phone has now lessened the distance of the world. Everyone can bear it with him because of its small size. Thus, it has turned the world into a global village. It is a pragmatic and interesting matter that nowadays messaging and internet system has been added to it. Using a mobile phone set one can take photographs, browse the internet, watch video films, manage world files and so on. An ultra-modern mobile phone set is indeed a mini-computer. All these factors have made it popular among the users. Though it was a sign of aristocracy in the past, now it is found in everyone’s hand in our country. Grameenphone, Citycell, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk, Airtel and some other mobile phone companies provide us this service. However, with all the merits, a mobile phone has some demerits too. It is injurious to our health. It harms our brain when we talk through it. The excessive use of mobile phones often causes fatal diseases like brain tumors, cancer, etc. So, we should be conscious of using it. But yet, we can say that it has made our life peaceful and comfortable. Though it has some demerits, it is truly a blessing for modern life.


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