Tanjir Ahamed

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Paragraph : Traffic Jam


Traffic Jam Paragraph

A traffic jam refers to a serious roadblock when there is a long line of vehicles on the road. It has become a common picture of roads and streets in the big towns and cities of the country. There are several causes behind the traffic jam. Firstly, many drivers are not aware of the rules and regulations of driving. And many others are not willing to abide by traffic rules. Then, vehicles of various velocities ply ( 1) on the same road, and these differences in the velocity cause a serious traffic jam. Often it is seen that high-speed vehicles are blocked by low-speed vehicles. Reckless and uncontrolled driving sometimes causes traffic jams. Besides, our cities do not have spacious and sufficient roads for the increasing population. Moreover, there occurs a serious traffic jam because of water clogging ( O) in the rainy season. The consequences of a traffic jam are very serious. Office going people fail to reach their working places in time, students often cannot attend their classes. Thus people of all classes suffer a lot. But the most tragic impact of the traffic jam is that ambulances carrying critical patients cannot reach the hospitals and clinics timely. Even sometimes patients die in the way without treatment. So this Traffic Jam situation should not go any further. There should be programs to make drivers conscious of the troubles. The authorities must widen roads and streets so that drivers can drive safely and easily. Besides, traffic rules should be followed by all.

—- Kazal Brothers Limited, Class 11-12

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